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Featured Puzzle: Killer Jigsaw Sudoku

“I want to play a game.” Jigsaw has scrambled the regions of a Sudoku grid and placed all the answers in cages! Can you still solve it?

  • As in normal Sudoku, place the numbers 1-9 in the grid without repeating a digit in any row, column, or region.
  • In addition, regions are not 3×3, and no digit repeats inside a cage.
  • Given numbers show the totals of digits within each cage.
  • Be careful! Some cages cross region borders.

Basic Sudoku techniques can be found in our Solving Guide. Be on the lookout for tips specific to Killer and Jigsaw variants in future tutorials.

Want to try it online? Click here!

“You think it is over, but the games have just begun.”

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