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Featured Puzzle: Munraito (Sun & Moon) #2

Place exactly one star and one cloud in each row and column to light the moons as shown.

  • Stars light all cells horizontally and vertically, unless blocked by a cloud or moon. You may not place one adjacent to the unlit side of a moon.
  • Clouds block any light that reach them. You may not place one adjacent to the lit side of a moon, or between a star and the lit side of a moon.

Learn to solve Munraito puzzles with our Solving Guide.

Unfortunately, the online solver doesn’t support this puzzle, so you’ll need to use pen & paper or screen write to try it.

Row 1: Star in column 7, Cloud in column 8

Row 2: Star in column 8, Cloud in column 1

Row 3: Star in column 5, Cloud in column 3

Row 4: Star in column 1, Cloud in column 4

Row 5: Star in column 3, Cloud in column 2

Row 6: Star in column 2, Cloud in column 9

Row 7: Star in column 4, Cloud in column 10

Row 8: Star in column 6, Cloud in column 5

Row 9: Star in column 10, Cloud in column 6

Row 10: Star in column 9, Cloud in column 7

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