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Featured Puzzle: Safecracker #1

I wanted to do something different than the standard Mastermind-style Crack the Code puzzles. Sometime back, I stumbled across this Dutch presentation of the concept, which uses a series of equation clues.

  • The safe has 5 dials, labeled A-E. Each has a range of numbers from 1-8.
  • One hint: The solving technique uses math, but there is not enough information to use algebra.
  • E + D = 7
  • B / 2 = C
  • A x E = C
  • B – D = 3

Look forward to a future Solving Guide for Safecracker puzzles.

The correct combination is:

  • A: 2
  • B: 8
  • C: 4
  • D: 5
  • E: 2

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