Featured Puzzle: Apple Tree #2 – Happy Johnny Appleseed Day!
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Featured Puzzle: Apple Tree #2 – Happy Johnny Appleseed Day!

Johnny Appleseed, born John Chapman, is an American folk hero. During his lifetime, he championed natural conservation, and introduced apple trees across much of the northern United States. Interestingly, this is one of two holidays celebrating Johnny – the other is in September. Naturally, this is a great reason to play another Apple Tree puzzle! Draw lines to connect all apples in the tree with the trunk.

Featured Puzzle: Aquariums #1 – Aegir Sea Festival
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Featured Puzzle: Aquariums #1 – Aegir Sea Festival

In Norse mythology, Aegir was a Frost Giant that was also god of the sea. He was also the brewer for the Asgardian pantheon. One of his better-known feats is that when emptied, his mugs would magically refill with more ale.

To celebrate this ancient sea god, I wanted to showcase a Aquariums puzzle. The key to figuring these out is to think about how water flows. Shade cells in some regions to represent water inside them.