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Featured Puzzle: Foil the Gunpowder Plot!

The Royal Guard has discovered Guy Fawkes skulking around in the cellars beneath the House of Lords. He has confessed to a wicked plot, but we must still find the gunpowder with which the plan was to be carried out!

Find the GUNPOWDER hidden within the grid using normal Sudoku rules, but with one extra region.

  • No letter in the word GUNPOWDER may repeat in any row, column, or 3×3 region.
  • Each letter also appears only once in the shaded “firework” cells.
  • When the puzzle is complete, the hidden gunpowder will be revealed.

Wordoku puzzles use the same rules as Sudoku, but with nine unique letters instead of numbers. This grid adds an extra “firework” region. Learn to solve them with our Solving Guide.

Want to try it online? Click here!

Excellent! Take the prisoner away. We shall deal with him and his co-conspirators later.

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