Featured Puzzle: Pure Loop #2

Today, we have a Pure Loop puzzle. Draw a route that visits all empty cells without crossing itself or branching.

Featured Puzzle: Tetoron #1

When Tetris was in its heyday on computers, I was in high school. I’m not sure how many games I’ve played, but I definitely got to the point where I started seeing tetrominoes everywhere. Maybe the inventor of Tetoron, Nishiyama Yukari, was also a fan. In this puzzle, you must divide the grid into tetromino shapes.

Featured Puzzle: Masyu #3

Draw a single loop which passes through all circles without branching or crossing itself.

Featured Puzzle: Easy as ABC #2

A is for apple, B is for bee, C is for cat… Today’s puzzle is Easy as ABC. Find the three letters in each row and column, leaving the other three cells empty. Use the hints around the border, which tell you what you see first.

Featured Puzzle: Heyawake #3

Shade cells in each region equal to the number given. If a region has no number, it may have any number of shaded cells, including zero. The remaining unshaded cells must form a single orthogonally contiguous area.