Featured Puzzle: Masyu #2

Draw a single loop which passes through all circles without branching or crossing itself.

Featured Puzzle: Safecracker #1

I wanted to do something different than the standard Mastermind-style Crack the Code puzzles. Sometime back, I stumbled across this Dutch presentation of the concept, which uses a series of equation clues.

Featured Puzzle: Number Chain #1

I enjoy various path puzzles, and Number Chain is an interesting one. Your goal is to find the route from the upper left corner to the bottom right corner of the grid, traveling only up, down, left, or right.

Featured Puzzle: Slitherlink #1

For today, we’ll play a popular loop puzzle called Slitherlink, or sometimes simply Fences. Draw a single closed loop between nodes.

Featured Puzzle: Fold-a-Box #1

When I was a kid, origami was a hobby I delved into with a passion. All these years later, and I just discovered that November 11th is World Origami Day! Today’s puzzle, originally named Yokibunkastu (“container dividing”), is themed around folding, so I thought it would be appropriate for the occasion. Draw walls to form pentomino (5-cell) regions around the paper cranes.