Featured Puzzle: Foil the Gunpowder Plot!

The Royal Guard has discovered Guy Fawkes skulking around in the cellars beneath the House of Lords. He has confessed to a wicked plot, but we must still find the gunpowder with which the plan was to be carried out!

Featured Puzzle: Stitches #1

Cold weather is here, and its time to dig out the quilts and blankets. But you might have an extra houseguest, so it’s time to sew a new one!

Add buttons and stitches so that each region is connected to every neighboring region by one stitch each.

Featured Puzzle: Crossword – Cornucopia

One popular table decoration represents the autumn harvest. The cornucopia, or “Horn of Plenty,” has been used as a symbol of abundance since ancient Greece. Now, it’s usually shown filled with fruits and nuts, and is commonly associated with Thanksgiving in North America.

Today’s puzzle is a small crossword, playable right here on this page! All of the answers are words formed with letters found in the word “CORNUCOPIA.” No letters are used more than once in an answer, unless they actually appear multiple times in our theme word. Good luck!

Featured Puzzle: Battleships #1

Use the clues to locate the given fleet on the grid. Ships may not touch each other in any direction, including diagonally. However, they may be rotated. Any segments given are exactly the type shown. Number clues along the side and bottom of the grid indicate how many ship segments exist in that row or column.

Featured Puzzle: Happy Day of the Dead!

Feliz Día de los Muertos! This popular Mexican celebration is distinct from Halloween in that it’s meant to reflect upon and honor your ancestors, rather than trick mischievous supernatural creatures. Enjoy today’s Mosaic puzzle!