Featured Puzzle: Numbrix #1

Fill in the grid to create a sequential path of numbers from 1-49. Each number must be orthogonally adjacent to the previous and next numbers in order.

Featured Puzzle: Domino Hunt #2

Find all 45 dominoes in a double-eight set (0-0 through 8-8) in the grid. Mark each pairing off as individual dominoes. All pair possibilities are used, and no domino is used more than once

Featured Puzzle: Hiroimono #2

Can you gather all the stones from this grid? Choose any stone to start, and number them in the order you pick them up.

Featured Puzzle: Chain Sudoku #1

I learned about Chain Sudoku puzzles fairly recently, and thought they’d make for a visually cool presentation. This form was popularized under the trademarked name Strimko, which was invented in 2008 by the Grabarchuk family. They’re similar to Jigsaw Sudoku puzzles, with jumbled regions, except they are not necessarily orthogonally contiguous.

Featured Puzzle: Munraito (Sun & Moon) #2

Place exactly one star and one cloud in each row and column to light the moons as shown. Stars give light, while clouds block it.