Featured Puzzle: Word Web #1

For this final day of Hanukkah, we have a simple word puzzle. Within this web, find the phrase HAPPY HANUKKAH. Start at one letter H, and trace a path along the lines to each following letter. This path will not cross itself, so it won’t use any letter twice.

Featured Puzzle: Shikaku #2

Today, we have another Shikaku puzzle! Divide the grid into a series of rectangles. Each rectangle must contain one and only one number. That number must match the area of the rectangle.

Featured Puzzle: Sukaku #1

Sukaku is an interesting variant of Sudoku. Rather than the standard format of revealing a few known numbers, you are instead given pencilmarks. As a matter of fact, another name for this puzzle is Pencilmark Sudoku. Otherwise, normal Sudoku rules apply. Fill the grid with 1-9 in such a way that no row, column, or 3×3 region contains a duplicate.

Featured Puzzle: Winter Festival Word Search

In the United States, Christmas is everywhere right now. Sometimes it’s easy to overlook the holidays celebrated by other cultures around the world, and even here in the US. Today’s puzzle is a simple word search. I encourage you to look into the meanings of some of these other holidays – it’s interesting reading.

Featured Puzzle: Nonogram #1

Nonograms are probably my favorite shading puzzle. There’s just something about cross-referencing the vertical and horizontal clues to tease out a picture that appeals to me. Today’s puzzle continues the Hanukkah theme. I hope you enjoy it!