Featured Puzzle: Munraito (Sun & Moon) #2

Place exactly one star and one cloud in each row and column to light the moons as shown. Stars give light, while clouds block it.

Featured Puzzle: Domino Hunt #3

Find all 36 dominoes in a double-seven set (0-0 through 7-7) in the grid. Mark each pairing off as individual dominoes. All pair possibilities are used, and no domino is used more than once.

Featured Puzzle: Hoshi (Star Sudoku) #2

Fill the triangles in the grid with the numbers 1-9 so that there are no duplicates in any large triangular region or along any stripe of cells, even those that skip over the middle.

Featured Puzzle: Verbal A-line-ment #1

I wanted to work at least one word puzzle in this month, so here’s a pretty simple one. Place all the letter pairs into the circles so that they spell six 6-letter words, reading across the line to the opposite colored circle. All of the words include the letters ON in the center.

I’ve included the first word to get you started. Happy Blonde Brownie Day!

Featured Puzzle: Futoshiki #2

In Futoshiki, your goal is to fill the grid with numbers from 1-7, without repeating a digit in any row or column. Inequality symbols between cells always point to the smaller number.