Featured Puzzle: Train Tracks #1

In 2008, Amtrak wanted to raise awareness about the history and benefits of rail travel. They declared National Train Day to fall on the Saturday closest to May 10th each year. May 10th is the anniversary of the pounding of the Golden Spike in Provost, Utah, which completed the first transcontinental railroad. Amtrak discontinued their endorsement of the holiday in 2015, but rail fans continue to celebrate.

In a Train Tracks puzzle, you must connect the two stations with a single rail route, including all the given tracks.

Featured Puzzle: Retrograde Battleships #2

Hidden in this grid is a specific battleship fleet, pictured below. It contains a Carrier, two Battleships, three Cruisers, four Destroyers, and five Submarines. Given that no ship may be adjacent to another in any direction, can you deduce the correct positions?

Featured Puzzle: Tile Paint #3 – A Day in the Garden

With as intense as things have been in the news, finding time to relax and reset matters more than ever. Today is Garden Meditation Day. Its exact origins may be unclear, but the idea of meditation surrounded by nature is hardly new. Popularized in Chinese and Japanese cultures, the beauty of a meditation garden gradually spread to the West. So take some time for yourself today, maybe enjoy a Tile Paint puzzle.

Featured Puzzle: Hamusando #1 – How Not to Make A Grilled Cheese

In 2002, the Clementine Bakery in Los Angeles started celebrating National Grilled Cheese Month in April, and the idea caught on. Unfortunately, our chef isn’t so skilled with the griddle – he gets the cheese everywhere, not just on the sandwich. Can you figure out how he screwed up this time?

Featured Puzzle: Fobidoshi #1 – Jelly Bean Challenge

Sure, most people are celebrating Earth Day today, but a fun lesser-known holiday is National Jelly Bean Day! (By the way, google “national jelly bean day” – I was pleasantly surprised when I did.) I couldn’t find any details on the origin, though. My guess is that It started as an internet meme excuse to gorge on leftover Easter candy.

Anyway, today’s puzzle is Fobidoshi, using jelly beans on a grid, of course! I’ve started you with a few.